Year 2 English Bundles
All bundles have 12 months access from date of purchase and details of 'Common Tricky Word' and 'homophone' spellings.
🌸 Title of each lesson bundle is shown on the tiles below 🌸
🌸 Click on + button under the tile to see what is included 🌸
Unless there is only one tutorial, each bundle (excluding genre writing) will have an ‘end-of-topic’ assessment. You may like to complete this at the start and end of the bundle to see how much your child has grown in confidence and ability.
Tutorials are all taken from our main Curriculum Steps Programme so the PDF week numbers and spellings relate to this programme.
How to improve phonics, spelling and handwriting
Recognising and reading all main digraphs (e.g. ou, ai) and trigraphs (e.g. igh, air)
Using spelling rules, patterns and rhyme to help support spelling of words phonetically
Activities to support and strengthen spelling including dictation
Handwriting – forming each letter correctly using letter groups to improve handwriting
How to create more complex and interesting sentences
Learning word terms (noun, adjective, verb and adverb) and using these in writing
How to create noun phrases
How to use commas in a list
Increasing accuracy with the use of capital letters and full stops
Using conjunctions to extend sentences
Varying sentence starts
Creating descriptive writing and extending sentences using noun phrases, conjunctions and a variety of sentence starts
Understanding and using different types of sentences
When to use question marks and exclamation marks
How to spell plurals and using suffixes
Plural spellings and rules
Past tense – adding the ed suffix
Adding suffixes ing, er, ed, est, y and spelling rules and patterns
Adding suffixes ful, ness, ment and spelling rules and patterns
How to use apostrophes
What is an apostrophe?
What does it look like?
Show how two words can become one (contracted apostrophes)
Apostrophes for missing letter(s) (e.g. wouldn’t, can’t)
Apostrophes for possession and when and how to use these (e.g. Samuel’s, Dad’s)
How to create poems
Creating and writing poems using a range of poetry formats
Developing and exploring vocabulary for poetry writing
Creating an anthology of poetry and performing poetry
How to write stories and non-fiction texts
Planning, writing and editing a story
Using mind maps to plan non-fiction writing and writing a structured non-fiction text
Writing a letter and understanding the format for letter writing
Writing instructions and understanding the sentence structure and format of instruction writing