See our Curriculum Steps programme too.

“Growth Learning, in your hands.”

Welcome to the Wellbeing Zone

The articles below are free for members of our Free Membership Programme. Articles will contain links to tools, exercises and richer resources that are only available to members of the Curriculum Steps subscription programmes.

Understanding Wellbeing

We are both passionate about nurturing self-esteem in children to enable them to not only embrace learning and challenge within their current year groups, but to build up strategies and tools for the future.

Not only is children’s self-esteem paramount to their learning but we want children to recognise that mistakes help us learn. Skills and knowledge can be grown with the effort they put in and steps of progress praised and celebrated to encourage children’s confidence and aspirations. This is our “Growth Learning” thread which we want to embed in our Wellbeing Zone content.

The Wellbeing Zone follows five themes to try and support parents to help their children grow and flourish through life’s twists and turns:

Growth Learning – Helping to understand more about supporting children to become resilient and aspirational learners

Individuality – Promoting individuality in children and celebrating everyone’s different and special talents

Physical and Mental Wellbeing – Learning to understand ourselves and others, and celebrating the outdoors and power of nature

Friendships – A huge amount of learning takes place through social play and friendships - learning how to communicate, relate and get along with others is a life skill but can be challenging emotionally at times

Family life - Children learn from experiences within the family and helping nurture these relationships will benefit them as they negotiate the wider world

Wellbeing Articles