Know who you are, be who you are!



Each child is unique, and it is a great challenge for parents to help children understand this in the modern world. Encouraging your child to explore and celebrate the things that really inspire and interest them will be a fundamental building block to their experience of wellbeing, and ultimately to their life choices as they grow up. There are many things which we can do when they are young to support this area of development.

As children grow and mature they very quickly start to compare themselves to others and see those they love around them being aspirational for them. This comes for us as parents from a place of love and protection, but the challenge is to try to really observe and listen to your child to find out what they may want to aspire to. Help them to find out what really inspires them, and what are naturally and genuinely inquisitive about. Many young people we have known find the most satisfying, meaningful life which has grown from childhood fascinations. As a parent it can be hard to help your child with this with all the pressures we feel for our children to be successful, but it can be done so simply. Spend some time really watching what they love to do, what captures their attention, what they want to explore. We can support them by commenting on this and encouraging it “I have noticed how you really love stories” “When you hear music you like you always stop and listen” “When things are broken you are really good at working out how to fix them”…..

Click on the Tutor Your Child Daisy and we have put together a mind mapping activity for you to explore with your child, or for them to explore quietly on their own, to help support the idea in this blog.


Helping children to understand that learning can be challenging!


Friendships and how we choose them