Welcome to our Programme Overview for Parents

At Tutor Your Child, we appreciate that parents may be looking for support for their child due to concerns with their learning. There may be many reasons for this concern, ranging from children who need a little bit of an extra push, those who are finding things tricky at the moment to those who have lost their confidence in their learning. At times like this, it can be extremely hard to know where to turn, what to do and who to turn to for help.

We are here to help.

With over 40 years of teaching experience between us, we have put together this page to help you make the right decision for your child in this moment. Our aim is to help you select the correct route for your child. Please take a look at our programmes below. You may find our flowchart below a useful tool for selecting the right path.

Catch them , before they fall

Please contact us directly for any other concerns. We are always happy to help.

Our Programmes

Please note: In order to purchase any of our programmes, you will first need to set up a ‘Free Membership’ account in order that you have account details to access the content. You will be prompted to do this before final purchase - or can do in advance by clicking the tile below.