How to set up and run a good lesson

  • Make sure you have watched the video and have all the resources printed and ready for the children.

  • Explain what they will be learning and ‘show’ them how to do some examples.

  • Don’t feel you have to know all the answers - it can be really helpful for young people when they see you learning alongside them, and working things out together .

  • If they are finding things hard then show them again and let them then have a go more independently.

  • Let them help each other out - this can be really effective.

  • Try to always end on a positive note - point out things that each member of the group has mastered.

  • Encourage them to tell you how they think they have done - this will help to develop their confidence.

  • Remind them all the time that mistakes are fine - they are part of learning!


Self-esteem in learning