Year 1 Maths Bundles
All bundles have 12 months access from date of purchase.
🌸 Title of each lesson bundle is shown on the tiles below 🌸
🌸 Click on + button under the tile to see what is included 🌸
Unless there is only one tutorial, each bundle will have an ‘end-of-topic’ assessment. You may like to complete this at the start and end of the bundle to see how much your child has grown in confidence and ability.
Tutorials are all taken from our main Curriculum Steps Programme so the PDF week numbers relate to this programme.
Numbers and Counting
Counting to 100
Formation of the digits and spelling of the numbers
One more/one less
Counting forwards and backwards
Sequences of numbers
How to add numbers to 20
Meaning of + and = sign
Counting on from different numbers
Teaching strategies for addition
Number bonds to 10
Missing box and part-whole models
How to understand and be confident with subtraction
Meaning of – sign
Counting back from different numbers
Teaching strategies for subtraction
Subtraction facts for number bonds to 10
Missing box problems
Mixture of addition and subtraction problems
How to create and understand sequences and number patterns
Counting in 2s, 10s and 5s
Missing numbers in a sequence
How to understand and be confident with multiplication
Grouping objects in 2s, 5s and 10s
Counting objects in 2s, 5s, 10s
Repeated addition
Language of ‘lots of’ and ‘X’ sign
Show multiplication as arrays
Time facts and how to tell the time
Vocabulary for comparing time
Days of the week
Months of the year
Telling the time to o’clock and half past
Sequencing events
Relating time to events
How to understand and be confident with division
Meaning of the division sign
Division as sharing
Odd and even numbers
Solving problems using division
How to understand and be confident with place value
Know the value of each digit in a 2-digit number
Partition 2-digit numbers
Add/subtract 10 and 1 to/from a 2-digit number
How to understand and be confident with fractions
Writing fractions and their meaning
Fraction of shape
Fraction of number
Halving and doubling numbers
Position, movement, 2D and 3D shapes
Position and movement
Describe turns using fraction vocabulary
Forwards and backwards
Clockwise and anticlockwise
2D and 3D shapes
Naming shapes and describing shapes
Using mathematical vocabulary to describe shapes (sides, vertices, faces and edges)
Identifying shapes in everyday life
How to understand the value of coins and make different amounts
Recognising different coins
Understanding how to make amounts where an exact coin is not available
How many ‘p’ make ‘£’
Writing ‘£’ sign
Making amounts
Measuring length, mass and capacity
Comparing measurement using non-standard units and direct comparison
Language of comparison
Introduction to standard units