Year 2 Maths Bundles
All bundles have 12 months access from date of purchase.
🌸 Title of each lesson bundle is shown on the tiles below 🌸
🌸 Click on + button under the tile to see what is included 🌸
Unless there is only one tutorial, each bundle will have an ‘end-of-topic’ assessment. You may like to complete this at the start and end of the bundle to see how much your child has grown in confidence and ability.
Tutorials are all taken from our main Curriculum Steps Programme so the PDF week numbers relate to this programme.
Understanding and using place value
Ordering numbers using place value
Comparing and ordering numbers using place value
Empty number line – placing numbers
Partition numbers in different ways using place value
Number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 using place value knowledge
How to add and subtract confidently
Adding 2-digit numbers together
Adding 3 numbers together
Subtracting 2-digit numbers
Inverse and commutativity of addition and subtraction
Difference between two numbers
Understanding and using sequences, number patterns, inverse and the = sign
Identifying patterns in sequences of numbers and shapes
Using inverse
Balancing equations
How to understand and be confident with multiplication
Counting in 2s, 3s, 10s and 5s
Repeated addition, arrays and ‘lots of’ language
Using the X sign
2, 5, 10 X tables and patterns
Multiplication problems
How to write and understand fractions
Fractions of shapes
Fractions of numbers
How to understand and be confident with division
Using ‘sharing’ strategy to calculate
Understanding and using the ÷ sign
Position, movement, 2D and 3D shapes
Fractions of a turn
Clockwise and anticlockwise
Forwards and backwards
2D shapes – properties, language and names
3D shapes - properties, language and names
Finding 3D shapes in everyday life
Sorting and comparing
Finding right angles
Recognising coins and making amounts of pence and £
Recognising coins and making amounts to 99p
Addition of money and subtraction to calculate change
£ sign and recognising 100p = £1
Money problems
Learning time facts, telling the time including
5-minute intervals and measurement
Time facts and ordering time
Telling the analogue time (half, quarter, and 5-minute time)
Appropriate units and tools for measure
Estimating length and using a ruler
Comparing, ordering, adding, subtracting units of measure
Data handling
Venn and Carroll diagrams
Tally charts, pictograms, block graphs and bar charts
Answering questions on data including comparison