Year 3 Maths Bundles
All bundles have 12 months access from date of purchase.
Place Value
Reading and writing 3-digit numbers in digits and words
Understanding the value of the digits in a 3-digit number
Comparing and order 3-digit numbers using place value and ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’ signs
Using place value knowledge to add/subtract 1, 10 and 100
Adding/subtracting multiples of 10 and 100 using place value knowledge
Using place value to represent numbers in different ways
Rounding 3-digit numbers to the nearest 10/100
Addition and Subtraction
Practising addition methods using place value reasoning, horizontal and column addition methods
Practising subtraction column methods, including moving to exchanging and what to do if one or more digits is zero
Practising mental methods of addition and subtraction
Using simple estimating to check the answer
Using inverse operations to check their answers to addition and subtraction problems
Using inverse to find missing numbers
Multiplication and Division
Understanding the meaning of the ‘x’ sign and show the meaning of multiplication in different ways
Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and understand how this links to the times tables
Practising the 3, 4 and 8 times tables using different strategies
Recognising how division facts link to times tables and the ‘inverse’ of multiplication
Calculating the division facts for 3, 4 and 8 times tables
Using multiplication methods to multiply 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers
Using division methods to divide larger 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers
Data Handling
Collecting information using a tally chart
Creating a pictogram or bar chart with different scales
Reading data displayed as tally charts, pictograms, bar charts and line graphs using different scales
Answering questions by analysing data
Fractions and Decimals
Finding a fraction of a number and strategies
Calculating equivalent fractions
Comparing fractions
Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator
Understanding the meaning of one whole as a fraction
Understanding how fractions in tenths equate to a decimal
Choosing an appropriate unit of measurement
Comparing measurement
Converting between larger and smaller units of measure
Remembering and using time facts
Recognising and using Roman numerals to 12
Telling the analogue time to 1-minute intervals
Understanding am/pm and the meaning of ‘12 o’clock’
Introducing and converting digital and analogue time
Understanding the 24-hour clock
Comparing time and solving time problems
3D shapes
Recognising and naming 3D shapes
Describing 3D shapes using the appropriate vocabulary
Recognising 3D shape nets
2D shape, Position, Movement and Angles
Recognising and naming 2D shapes including quadrilaterals
Understanding the difference between a ‘regular’ and ‘irregular’ 2D shape
Measuring/calculating the perimeter of rectangles and composite shapes
Understanding angles and naming the four angles
Recognising the different types of angles within shapes
Understanding how right angles link to ¼, ½ and full turns
Identifying and drawing perpendicular, parallel, horizontal and vertical lines
Recognising coins and notes
Writing money amounts over £1
Comparing amounts of money in £ and pence
Making amounts over £1
Adding and subtracting amounts of money containing £ and p
🌸 The title of each lesson bundle is shown on the tiles below 🌸
🌸 Click on the + button under the tile to see what is included 🌸
Unless there is only one tutorial, each bundle will have an ‘end-of-topic’ assessment. You may like to complete this at the start and end of the bundle to see how much your child has grown in confidence and ability.
Tutorials are all taken from our main Curriculum Steps Programme so the PDF week numbers relate to this programme.