Year 4 Maths Bundles
All bundles have 12 months access from date of purchase.
🌸 Title of each lesson bundle is shown on the tiles below 🌸
🌸 Click on + button under the tile to see what is included 🌸
Unless there is only one tutorial, each bundle will have an ‘end-of-topic’ assessment. You may like to complete this at the start and end of the bundle to see how much your child has grown in confidence and ability.
Tutorials are all taken from our main Curriculum Steps Programme so the PDF week numbers relate to this programme.
Place Value
Reading and writing 4-digit numbers
Understanding the place value of 4-digit numbers and using this to partition numbers
Comparing numbers beyond 1000 using < > signs and using place value
Adding and subtracting multiples of 1, 10, 100, 1000 using place value
Counting in multiples of 25 and 1000
Rounding 4-digit numbers to 10/100/1000
Reading and writing Roman numerals up to 100 (C)
Addition and Subtraction
Counting backwards through 0 to negative numbers
Solving negative number addition and subtraction problems
Solving column addition and subtraction with 4-digit numbers
Using inverse, rounding, estimating to check answers and find missing values
Multiplication and Division
Learning 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 x tables and patterns
Using place value and times tables to solve different problems (x0, x1, ÷1, 300 x 20)
Using multiplication and division to solve problems
Finding multiples and common multiples
Finding factors and common factors
Using different methods to calculate multiplication of larger numbers (grid and expanded)
Calculating division using the chunking method and fact box
Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000 using place value
Fractions and Decimals
Calculating equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions using common factors
Understanding the meaning behind tenths and hundredths and how these fractions relate to decimals
Recognising equivalence of fractions and mixed numbers in tenths and hundredths to decimals and using this to convert and compare
Recalling decimal equivalent for ½, ¼ and ¾
Using decimal place value knowledge to find missing values
Rounding decimals to the nearest whole number
Finding a fraction of number (including of measure and money)
Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator
Choosing an appropriate unit of measurement
Comparing measurement
Converting between larger and smaller units of measure
Area and Perimeter
Calculating the perimeter of rectangle and rectilinear shapes in cm and m by measuring
Finding the area by counting squares
Calculating the perimeter from given measurements and finding missing sides
2D shape and Angles
Naming all 2D shapes including different types of triangles and quadrilaterals
Recalling the properties of different triangles and quadrilaterals
Understanding the term ‘regular’ and ‘irregular’ shapes
Identifying acute, obtuse, reflex and right angles
Estimating angle size
Comparing and ordering angles by size, and using a protractor to measure
Identifying lines of symmetry
Completing a symmetrical drawing
3D shape
Recalling the names and properties of 3D shapes
Geometry, Position and Direction
Plotting and writing coordinates in a one-quadrant graph
Reflecting a shape in a ‘mirror line’
Translating shapes by following instructions
Writing translation instructions
Telling the analogue time
Understanding the terms ‘a.m./p.m.’
Reading digital time as analogue, and analogue as digital
Understanding 24-hour clock and how to read this as analogue, using am/pm
Converting periods of time, including weeks, months and years
Learning time facts, including days in each month
Solving time problems
Making and comparing amounts of money using £ and p
Converting £ and p
Adding and subtracting money
Giving change
Data Handling and Statistics
Continuous data / line graphs
Analysing and interpreting line graphs