Welcome to the Refresher Programme for Year 1.
The programme content revises the key skills for Year 1. There are nine tutorials for maths, and nine for English.
Please 🌼 click here 🌼 for the summary which will give you details of each tutorial.
Work through the tutorials in order, or select what you need. The tutorials follow the school year, but you can also select the ones that support your child in areas where they may particularly need to develop skills, confidence and aspiration.
Each tutorial has a range of material to suit children working at different levels. This will enable you to use the tutorials more than once to help your child make progress. Choose the activity with the next step of challenge when your child is ready.
Tutorial 1 Phonics
recapping on digraph and trigraph (2/3) letter sounds
recognising these in reading and using them in spelling
Tutorial 2 Phonics
recapping on digraph and trigraph (2/3) letter sounds
recognising these in reading and using them in spelling
Tutorial 3 Phonics
recapping on digraph and trigraph (2/3) letter sounds
recognising these in reading and using them in spelling
Tutorial 4 Suffixes and Prefixes
adding suffixes to words
using prefix “un”
Tutorial 6 Punctuation and Different Types of Sentences
capital letters and full stops
question marks, exclamation marks and commas
Tutorial 7 Adjectives and Nouns
identification of words
using to improve sentences
use of commas in lists
Tutorial 8 Conjunctions
using to extend sentences
Tutorial 9 Fiction and Non-Fiction
understanding the differences
planning a story
Tutorial 1 Number
counting reading and writing numbers
understanding the value of digits in 2-digit numbers
adding and subtracting 1s and 10s from a 2 digit number
Tutorial 2 Addition
numbers bonds
tutoring strategies for addition
Tutorial 3 Subtraction
number bonds
tutoring strategies for subtraction
Tutorial 4 Sequences and Missing Values
missing values
part-whole models
Tutorial 5 Multiplication
counting in 2s 5s and 10s
tutoring strategies for multiplication