School Closures


We are hearing of a few more school closures creeping in again as cases of Covid sprout up around the country again.  None of us want to go back to the lockdown times so we hope these are few and far between.

One of the things we noticed from the first lockdown was the amount of pressure parents put on themselves to maintain a high level of home schooling whilst also supporting siblings, a home, an extended family and in some cases, a full or part time job.  This became a massive undertaking.

If you have been hit with school closures once again, remember you can only do your best and that keeping up with reading is the most important thing you can do, especially for younger children.

Reading helps with spelling, sentence formation, story writing, ideas and creativity, play, language and independence to name but a few.

Try not to worry about making sure everything is completely finished. This year everyone has done an amazing job in strange circumstances.

If you are thinking about your child’s progress this year, our ‘one hour a week refresher programme’ which started on 1st July can always help give you peace of mind and fill in any gaps in maths and English  before moving on in September.


End of Year Reports


How to help your child prepare for end of year assessments