Welcome to our School Consultancy Tutoring Programme from Tutor Your Child - supporting the learning of all pupils to help secure stronger routes to the future.

We are Sue and Maryanne, and using our knowledge and experience of the primary curriculum, we have put together a complete package of lessons to support stronger foundations with primary maths which can then support secondary maths learning. We will help you to support your pupils to find any gaps, close these and build confidence in maths within your pupils.

Lesson Content

How Children Learn

Training Material


Please remember all videos and worksheets are for sole use by those authorised within the school and for the sole use with the identified pupils. Please keep your password safe and secure, and inform us immediately if your details are compromised.

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For help understanding the learning process please contact enquiries@tutoryourchild.co.uk.

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Management reports, if you have the correct access, can be found here.