How to access the lessons:
Click on the ‘Maths Bundle’ buttons below to access the content you need for the group you are working with.
Click on the appropriate year group and bundles package as directed in the Roadmap for the student.
Follow the lessons within the bundle in chronological order. Watch the video prior to your lesson and then use these teaching methods to pass on this learning to the students, using the techniques and advice shown in the video.
A set of PDF work sheets are part of each tutorial. Students should be able to complete the ‘Two Star’ PDF independently before moving on.
We suggest each lesson is taught until concepts are secure.
Complete the feedback section of the Roadmap and send to the consultants at Tutor Your Child. Send to Sue and Maryanne weekly for ‘Specialist’ and every 3 weeks for ‘Targeted’:
At least once a term, Sue and Maryanne will meet with you to discuss progress.
At the end of each complete bundle of lessons, the programme has a short assessment paper for the student to complete independently and their results should then be recorded on the feedback section of the Roadmap for that week.
If you have any problems using the system or need help at any time, please contact or, for technical support,
Vocabulary List: The National Centre for Excellent in Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) provides an excellent maths vocabulary list here.